Monday, March 21, 2011

The Ghost at the Window

Thanks to the wonderful suggestions provided by Biebs, I'll be reading The Ghost at the Window by Margaret McAllister this week.  I hope you will be able to find a copy for yourself and join me!  I'll be commenting on the first few chapters tomorrow.  

Ms. McAllister is also the author of the Mismantle Chronicles.  I haven't read any of these stories, but I noticed them on the shelf.  I may have to add them to my list of books to read.  Has anyone out there read any of Ms. McAllister's books?  If so, what do you think about them?

Here is a link to her website:  It's a bit different than author sites I've linked to previously.  Check it out...


  1. Her website is.... Different. The format made it unique. I have never heard of her so her about me page was very helpful. This week I haven't been reading a specific book I'm sorry to say. Instead I have read Justin bieber: first step to forever my story. very good:)

  2. Check out my post entitled, "Where does the time go" for more on The Ghost at the Window. Sorry I'm so late!
