Friday, June 17, 2011

Summer is here - prime reading time!!

Hello bloggers!

Summer is here and I've already taken advantage of the free time to jump into some books.  I finished the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins last night.  This is a futuristic story about a distopian society (the opposite of a utopian or perfect society) and a young girl trying to protect her family against all odds.  Don't worry guys, there is plenty of action, adventure, and even some gore.  Katniss is not your average girl, for sure.  I loved the first book, loved the second book even more, then felt a little let down by the third book.  I definitely think it's still worth reading the whole series but the ending seemed to come on a little suddenly.  I also didn't feel like she put as much into the characters as she did in the first two books.  I loved the relationship and interplay between Peeta and Katniss in the 2nd book (I'm pretty sure Peeta was modeled after my husband).  And, finally, the ending to say this without ruining it for those who haven't read it??  Let's just say it didn't quite end how I would've wanted it to end.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on the trilogy.

Suzanne Collins has a website you can visit here:

There is a dedicated fansite you can check out here:

And The Hunger Games is set to be a movie!  It looks like filming has already started.  Find out more here:  and here:

Well, that's it for my first summer post.  I'm starting two new books this week:  Smells Like Dog by Suzanne Selfors and The Strange Case of Origami Yoga by Tom Angleberger.  Hope to hear from you soon!  Enjoy the summer break and keep reading!

Mrs. H


  1. I finished the mystery of origami yoda:) it was good. I was surprised... And kinda confused I guess I read too fast... That's me for you. Now I am reading three cups of tea ( one mans adventure to change the world... One kid at a time) it's a good book. I would read the hunger games but I personally don't like reading series. I hope to be able to comment more on this blog;)

  2. Welcome Ethan and Kelli! Glad to hear from you. I have started Origami Yoda (see new post). Ethan, I am intrigued by your statement that you don't like to read series. Being primarily a series reader, I am curious why you don't like them. Anything specific? Looking forward to hearing from you guys.

    Mrs. H

  3. Whenever I read a book from a series I fell fulfilled after the first book. Then if I really enjoy the book I will try to read the second. It just doesn't keep me intrigued. There has only been one series I put up with; The Winnie Series.
